The Bicks Pod

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Episode 3.5 - TOS Season 2 Watchalong - The Trouble With Tribbles
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
In which we sit down and watch through the classic Season 2 episode "The Trouble With Tribbles" with you, dear listeners! So cue it up and boldly go with us as we learn about just why, in fact, the Klingons and the Tribbles have such a rich history of animosity...(jk we don't know why and no one ever really explains it in this episode, it's just a thing that is and we have to learn to accept it...)
We look forward to more watchalongs in the future, and will probably be having semi-regular polls to help us decide which episodes to cover in our watchalongs on our Twitter, so follow us there and please do let us know if there's an episode you'd love to watch with us!
Notes and Recognitions:
Intro Music: Chasing Stars by AG Music
Outro Music: Idle Hands by The Impossibulls

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Episode 3 - TOS Season 2
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
In this foray into pretty well known, we're examining the second season of The Original Series in all its didactic glory. Whether your joy is faraway trips to places that feel very much like home, or a few light-hearted romps through the less serious parts of the galaxy, the second season has a lot to offer, and a fair bit for us to talk about. So sit back (or walk, or commute, or do whatever you want really we're not your parents) and listen in as we chat about the second season of Star Trek.
Today's Sponsor: Mudd's Emporium! If you're looking for the very latest in HoloSuite technology, look no further than the HoloHeaven 3000, available exclusively through Mudd's Emporium. Don't forget to tell them Harry sent you!
Bicks Log: Today we discussed which style of episode best fits Star Trek as a whole: the serious, deep, sci-fi or character heavy ones, or the lighthearted, comedic ones that have a bit more fun with the possibilities of a sci-fi universe?
For those who are not familiar with Sonic Screwdrivers or Doctor Who generally... Assignment Earth is pretty much an outright theft of the idea, with the addition of a cat!

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Episode 2.5 - TOS Season 1 Watch Along - The City on the Edge of Forever
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Friends of the podcast, welcome to something new from The Bicks. A watch along episode! Join us for a viewing of one of the most acclaimed Star Trek episodes of all time: The City on the Edge of Forever. As our first watch along, our apologies if it's a little rough, but we were just excited by the thought of plunging our voices into your eardrums as you watch an episode of Trek. So throw us on in the background and listen as we blabber about whatever comes to mind during one of our favourite episodes from TOS.
We look forward to more watch alongs in the future, and will probably be having semi-regular polls to help us decide which episodes to cover in our watch alongs on our Twitter, so follow us there and please do let us know if there's an episode you'd love to watch with us!
Notes and Recognitions:
Intro Music: Chasing Stars by AG Music
Outro Music: Idle Hands by The Impossibulls

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Episode 2: Star Trek The Original Series Season 1
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022 which your stalwart Ensigns Aidan and Lindsay take you on a tour of Star Trek's very first blockbuster season. The one that started it all! Join us for a retrospective look at the origin of the series, the ups and downs of getting it on the air (with a little help from America's favourite redhead!), highlights and lowlights of the episodes and story arcs, as well as our...
Episode Sponsor: Food Cubes! For the time conscious -- not necessarily the culinarily evolved -- among us, Food Cubes are the perfect way to efficiently fill your nutritional needs! Try "Food Coobs" today!
Bicks Log: Who is the best villain from The Original Series?
Notes and Recognitions:
Mea culpas: "The City on the Edge of Forever" was the second-last episode of the first season, not the last. Silly us!
Definitely check out The Center Seat docuseries about Star Trek -- narrated by Gates McFadden! -- which is available on Crave (in Canada) and Amazon Prime and Apple TV.
We cannot recommend Rowan J Coleman's Star Trek retrospective series highly enough -- you can watch the whole thing on YouTube.
Intro Music: Chasing Stars by AG Music
Outro Music: Idle Hands by The Impossibulls

Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Episode 1 - Introductions
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Earth date September 8, 2022. Happy Star Trek Day to one and all! To commemorate this once-a-year occasion, we'd like to welcome listeners both new and old to this podcast with a (re)introduction to The Bicks. After plumbing the depths of Mark Frost and David Lynch, then William Shakespeare, we're back to talk about Star Trek in all its many forms: the TV series, the films, the universe, and the fandom. This episode we go over our personal history and experiences with Trek, talk about what you can expect in our podcast, and what we may do a little differently compared to other podcasts. Join us for the first of many discussions to come!
Episode Sponsor: Holonovels R Us - Don't forget to use Promocode "BicksPod" to get your already free holonovels for more free!
Bicks Log: We decided to start off easy with a simple question that has not preoccupied anyone's thoughts at all on the internet: who is Star Trek's greatest captain?
Notes and Recognitions:
Intro Music: Chasing Stars by AG Music
Outro Music: Idle Hands by The Impossibulls