The Bicks Pod

Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Part 17 & 18 Analysis: So...What Do We Do Now?
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Welcome to our final podcast episode for Twin Peaks: The Return. We’ve taken two weeks to parse the episode and our own feelings toward it, and we’ve managed to distill 14 days of late-night conversations and heated debate into 3 hours (!) for your listening pleasure -- hopefully, anyway.
We tackle the pros and cons of some of the biggest theories, discuss the things that resonated deeply with us, and get a little wistful and philosophical as we come to the end of this 11 month-long journey through Twin Peaks with you. (We also let you in on what’s next for The Bicks -- hint: we're not going anywhere!)
Thank you all for listening! We’d love to hear your thoughts and comments -- follow us on Twitter (@thebickspod) or Facebook (, leave us a comment on our Podbean page, or give us a star-filled review on iTunes!
David Auerbach,
Alex Fulton, Part 17/18 Simultaneous watch:
Lynchian Times, Finale & Vertigo:

Tuesday Sep 05, 2017
Hot Take: Parts 17 & 18 - The Past Dictates the Future/What is Your Name?
Tuesday Sep 05, 2017
Tuesday Sep 05, 2017
Parts 17 & 18 - The Past Dictates the Future/What is Your Name?
Somehow, some way, we recorded our podcast episode. It'll be up later tonight. But we did it differently this time around: instead of recap & analysis, this is pure reaction. We've only watched it once. So we're remembering it like we would a dream...
This was partly inspired by Lindsay's own dream last night (which you can read about here) and partly because it really seems like the most appropriate way to handle what we've been given, all things considered. We're gonna get things wrong. We're going to misremember things. We probably won't hit on any answers. But maybe that's okay? We hope you enjoy it! And don't panic! We'll do a traditional recap/analysis once we've digested this a bit more. For now, our unfiltered thoughts about the Twin Peaks: The Return finale...
Joel Bocko's excellent take on the finale

Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Part 16 - No Knock No Doorbell
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Part 16 - No Knock, No Doorbell
THE SLEEPER HAS AWAKENED! With the return of Cooper to the world of Twin Peaks, we gotta wonder: what does it say about this show that his reemergence isn't the most startling aspect of the part in which it occurs? Revelations about Diane and Audrey mean that some very long dormant pieces are moving into place for a finale of epic proportions...

Tuesday Aug 22, 2017
Part 15 - There's Some Fear In Letting Go
Tuesday Aug 22, 2017
Tuesday Aug 22, 2017
Part 15 - "There's some fear in letting go."
**FAIR WARNING: The language in this week's Part was foul at times, and we repeated some of that language in this episode.**
In this week's installment we say a touching goodbye to an old friend as The Return ramps up towards its final hours. As it starts to seem less and less likely that many of these storylines will see any kind of resolution, the plot begins to focus in on Twin Peaks and the plots that seem to be converging on the town and its residents.
Notes: John Bernardy's excellent and most recent analysis of The Wizard of Oz connections can be found here.

Tuesday Aug 15, 2017
Part 14 - We Are Like the Dreamer
Tuesday Aug 15, 2017
Tuesday Aug 15, 2017
Part 14 - We Are Like the Dreamer
The intensity of the Twin Peaks experience ramps up this week with a powerful installment that takes us down paths alongside the broader mythology and lore that has always been the underpinning both Twin Peaks the show and Twin Peaks the town. We visit the woods, travel in dreams, and go bar hopping with Sarah Palmer. Join us at the nuthouse!

Tuesday Aug 08, 2017
Part 13 - What Story Is That Charlie?
Tuesday Aug 08, 2017
Tuesday Aug 08, 2017
Part 13 - "What story is that, Charlie?"
With so many avenues left open to explore, Part 13 chooses to dwell in the lives of our favourite Twin Peaks residents as they circumnavigate the worlds in which they reside. Sarah seems stuck in a loop; similarly, Big Ed, Norma, and James circle back to their starting positions, as if the last twenty five years hadn't changed a thing. Meanwhile, Audrey remains trapped...where? And DougieCoop's amazing ability to avoid danger proves useful once again. It's a jam-packed Part, and so it's a jam-packed episode of Bickering Peaks!
Crazy Casino Music
Big Ed Reflection
WE WERE WRONG! Both Big Ed and Nadine are wearing rings. I guess we both need new glasses...

Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Part 12 - Let's Rock
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Part 12 - "Let's Rock"
A divisive installment of our favourite TV show--Jerry leaves the forest, Sarah panics at the grocery store, Audrey appears...and everyone seems content to talk about other people: people off-camera, people who haven't entered the room yet, people we've never even met! Join us for our discussion about Part 12 of The Return; we've got dreams and augmented reality and father/son dynamics and multiple languages and Blue Roses galore!
If you aren't doing so already, you should be reading Joel Bocko's takes on The Return, published (usually) within an hour of each airing. We don't know how he does it, but his are often the only articles we read prior to recording. He's always seriously on point...probably because he speaks Lynch so fluently! Definitely check it out! Here's a link to his Part 12 essay, which quotes Joanna Robinson and which we talked about in our discussion

Tuesday Jul 25, 2017
Part 11 - There's Fire Where You Are Going
Tuesday Jul 25, 2017
Tuesday Jul 25, 2017
Part 11 continues last week's trend of giving us many plot points and tons of exposition for many different storylines, and we try to nail them all down in this doozy of an episode!
Aidan said he was pretty sure "Threnody" was playing in the scene in Buckhorn, but we're now more sure that it's playing in the opening scene with Becky and you know where exactly it's played? Drop us a line!
Some additional links to read about:
VICE: "Finally Twin Peaks Gets Some Damn Good Pie"
AV Club: "Twin Peaks leaves us chewing on a family reunion, the woodsmen, and that damn good pie"
Vox: "Twin Peaks episode 11: why this show is like nothing else on TV right now"
Rolling Stone: "‘Twin Peaks’ Recap: The Pie’s the Limit"