He's Aidan...She's Lindsay
Together we are The Bicks, and we're here to take you through all our pop culture favourites. Join us as we train our literary lenses on the stories that shape us.
Together we are The Bicks, and we're here to take you through all our pop culture favourites. Join us as we train our literary lenses on the stories that shape us.
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
A sad goodbye to the origin character of our podcast: the one and only David Lynch.
There are few organized thoughts, just vibes, in this podcast as we speak from the heart (and the gut) about the loss of one of our biggest creative and intellectual influences of all time.
Note: We are still working on figuring out our new recording situation, and Lindsay's audio is still less than optimal. We will continue to improve this in the future.
Note 2: Check out the Blue Rose Task Force Podcast, on which Lindsay is a guest for an upcoming episode, here: https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/taed2-22e1c1/Blue-Rose-Task-Force-A-Twin-Peaks-Obsessive-Podcast
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
The Bicks are back! Nearly 8 years after we started our podcast, and ten since the gum we liked was clearly coming back in style, we've returned from our year-long hiatus to revisit an old favourite: Twin Peaks. We talk about the fandom of the show itself, its lasting impressions on us, and whether or not it has impacted television the way the original Twin Peaks did way back in 1990.
Our new approach is focused primarily on discussing whatever topics we feel like, whenever we feel like it, so fair warning that episodes are not likely to be regular, on any specific topic, or with any coherent structure. Thank you in advance to anyone who has stuck with us over the last 8 years!
We have new social media @s as well, having left the hellsite that is Twitter and the stupid that is Facebook. We're currently on Tumblr, because we are really just internet children of the 2010s, as well as Instagram and Threads. Feel free to drop us a line there whenever you want!
Here is that Drew Gooden episode about how annoying media production is these days.
And here is the F.D. Signifier Drake v Kendrick video that bucks the trend of too long video essay. Zero excess.
Aidan could not find any physical copy of Dark for sale. He is tres sad.
Twin Perfect was released over 4 years ago, just FYI.
Intro and Outro music is by The Impossibulls, as always. It's our theme at this point.
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Note: We will be taking a summer break for the next 4-5 weeks to coincide with some vacation plans, but will be returning in the second half of summer with Season 5.
For this week, join us as we revisit the episode that had the largest divergence of opinions in our Season 4 breakdown, "First Contact" complete with Riker sex innuendo and reactionary martyrs. It may not be the perfect episode, but it did provide some fodder for banter with The Bicks.
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Season 4 -- the first full 90s season, as Lindsay says -- doesn't feature a whole bunch of changes on screen or behind the camera, but did bring a lot of depth to the characters and the world they inhabit. Join us as we talk about family, friends, drama, and First Contact, one of the greatest episodes of the show! (Yes, Aidan wrote this intro...)
Episode Sponsor: Ancestry.federation. To find out more about your genetic heritage, use the promo code 'TheBicksFamSentYou' to get a discount on your premium testing kit!
Bicks Log: What does it say about genetic families in Star Trek that they're so secondary to the one found on board the Enterprise?
Once again, it was time for a tier ranking of Season 4 episodes, so be prepared for Aidan to defend how great (almost) every episode is, while Lindsay tries to knock them all down a few pegs.
Intro Music: Chasing Stars by AG Music
Outro Music: Idle Hands by The Impossibulls
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Another season, another watchalong of TNG, this time the season 3's classic exploration of Star Trek's greatest philosophical topics, the Prime Directive. Join us as we chat and joke our way through "Who Watches the Watchers".
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 3 is widely considered the start of "good Trek" in the TNG era. Whether you agree with that or not, this season definitely ups the ante in terms of storytelling, characterization, thematic links, and philosophical import. This week, Aidan and Lindsay deep dive into the production history, some of the changes behind and in front of the camera, and explore the larger story arcs that are going to take us into the second half of the series' run.
Episode Sponsor: Rexadrin Cliffhanger Episode Anti-Anxiety Pills: Find Your Calm With Rexadrin
Bicks Log: How useful is the Prime Directive?
Notes and Recognitions:
The intro music is different between Season 1 (strings high in the mix) and Season 2 (strings lower) and again to Season 3 (strings seem to not be there at all in some places) so Lindsay is kinda right but also kinda full of shit...
OrangeRiver has a great Season 3 breakdown video we watched in preparation for this podcast as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smEzxaVfTAw&ab_channel=OrangeRiver
Intro Music: Chasing Stars by AG Music
Ad Music: Coconut Grove by Hotham is licensed under a Creative Commons License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Stream: https://linktr.ee/hothammusic Free Download: https://hypeddit.com/hotham/coconutgrove Support by RFM - NCM: https://bit.ly/3TzyYA1
Outro Music: Idle Hands by The Impossibulls
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Join us for another watchalong episode of TNG, this time the season 2 dark horse favourite "The Royale".
One note: Fermat's Last Theorem had a first proof published in 1995, only a few years after this episode.
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
The arrival of Riker's Beard heralded the start of the shift towards a more updated, distinct Star Trek, ready for the Next Generation of fans. While many will tell new explorers of Trek to skip over season 2, we love it for its inconsistency and the truly high highs that you only get by introducing the Borg, or debating the nature of sentience (should be sapience but we'll let it slide) on behalf of our beloved Data. Join us as we discuss those highs (and some of the lows), as well as give a bit of a history of what was going on behind the scenes.
Episode Sponsor: SudVPN! Keep your data safe in these trying times!
Bicks Log: Does artificial intelligence require sentience to be considered intelligent? Do AIs as we understand them now deserve rights? What will happen when computer systems are given – or acquire – consciousness?
As a reminder, this was recorded before Picard Season 3 aired, so there may be some odd references.
If, for some reason you haven't seen the greatest short film of the 21st century so far, please do check out Too Many Cooks.
Lindsay deeply regrets her comments about the 1988 WGA Strike. At least Aidan assumes so, since she's been happy to see the 2023 version.
The novel that Lindsay mentions involving the Trill's connection to the Conspiracy bugs is called Trill: Unjoined, which you can read about on Memory Beta.
Aidan's Tier Ranking of Season 2 Episodes:
S-Tier: Measure of a Man (9), Q Who (16)
A-Tier: Elementary Dear Data (3), A Matter of Honour (8), The Royale (12), The Emissary (20)
B-Tier: Peak Performance (21), Pen Pals (15)
C-Tier: The Child (1), Outrageous Okona (4), Loud as a Whisper (5), The Dauphin (10), Time Squared (13), Samaritan Snare (17), Manhunt (19)
D-Tier: Schizoid Man (6), The Icarus Factor (14), Up The Long Ladder (18)
F-Tier: Shades of Gray (22), Where Silence Has Lease (2)
Lindsay's Tier Ranking:
S-Tier: Measure of a Man (9), Q Who (16), Elementary Dear Data (3)
A-Tier: Pen Pals (15), The Royale (12), The Emissary (20)
B-Tier: Peak Performance (21), Manhunt (19), A Matter of Honour (8)
C-Tier: Outrageous Okona (4), Loud as a Whisper (5), Time Squared (13), Samaritan Snare (17), Schizoid Man (6)
D-Tier: The Icarus Factor (14), Up The Long Ladder (18), The Dauphin (10)
F-Tier: Shades of Gray (22), Where Silence Has Lease (2), The Child (1)
Twin Peaks actors appearing this season:
David L. Lander
Madchen Amick (Who we forgot to mention in the episode somehow!!!)
Intro Music: Chasing Stars by AG Music
Outro Music: Idle Hands by The Impossibulls
Lindsay is a writer and junior high school English teacher based in Edmonton, Alberta. In addition to loving Twin Peaks and Shakespeare, she is a big fan of her husband, Aidan, her three cats (Neko, Cooper, and Audrey), teaching, reading and writing, and traveling.
And coffee...you can't forget coffee.
Aidan is a writer and communications professional also based in Edmonton, Alberta. His work has been featured in several different publications, periodicals, and books. When he isn't writing or podcasting, he can usually be found attending to his second love: gaming, with a cat or two at his side.
We met when we were 18. We supported each other through university. We moved in together at and then we got married. We live in the coolest neighbourhood in Edmonton. And we record our podcast in our home office overlooking the North Saskatchewan River Valley.
Our podcast came to life in late 2016 as Bickering Peaks: A Twin Peaks Podcast. In those early days, we spent our time rewatching Twin Peaks and analysing the series in Season One of the podcast.
In Season Two of our show, we applied that same rigour to Twin Peaks: The Return.
Season Three saw us tackle the larger question of series co-creators' David Lynch's and Mark Frost's creative oeuvre.
We decided to take our podcast into vastly different territory for Season Four when we dove headfirst into the works of William Shakespeare.
Our slightly truncated Season Five boldly went where no Bicks have gone before...and we promise we will finish our look at the Star Trek universe soon.
Season Six is our soft reboot — a return to form and hopefully a more regular release schedule. We hope you'll continue to follow along as we tackle the pop culture stuff that strikes our fancy.
You can contact us at thebickspod[at]gmail[dot]com.