The Bicks Pod

Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Episode 9 - The Voyage Home
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, collectively known in The Bicks home as "The One with the Whales." A classic 80s film, a classic Trek film, and a unique entry in the series all at once. We loved chatting about this one and hope you'll enjoy our wandering discussion of the most populist of Star Trek movies!
It was Alan Silvestri who did the music for Back to the Future.
Moores is a Canadian men's clothing company. The Home Depot is an American hardware and home improvement chain. These two pieces of information will help clarify the odd bit around the 36-37th minute of the podcast.
Episode Sponsor: Today's episode is brought to you by Whales Alive, the very real album that really featured Leonard Nimoy really doing spoken word poetry over top of very real whale song. Please go listen right now.
Bicks Log: Was the success of The Voyage Home a template that could have saved the second fourth movie of Star Trek - 2002's Star Trek: Nemesis? Would a funnier, less dramatic and serious Next Generation movie have changed the trajectory of the Star Trek franchise?

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Episode 8 - The Search for Spock
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
By the time The Search for Spock was announced, it was fairly clear that the Star Trek brand was more than strong enough to justify its continued return to box offices; within a few years, it would return to TV screens, as well. But not before Kirk & Co. return to the Genesis planet from The Wrath of Khan to rescue Spock. Which is what we're going to be talking about today.
Episode Sponsor: I Can't Believe It's Not Gagh!
Bicks Log: Was David's death an earned emotional moment, or mere manipulation?
Notes and Recognitions:
Intro Music: Chasing Stars by AG Music
Outro Music: Idle Hands by The Impossibulls

Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Episode 7 - The Wrath of Khan
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
The second film entry for our original cast -- Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan -- reinvigorated the franchise after The Motion Picture drew big bucks but tepid critical reviews. A lesser version of Khan might have put the nail in Star Trek's coffin.
Thankfully, it didn't, and forty years later we're still chugging away through the Alpha Quadrant. Let's explore why, with Kirk & Khaaaaaaan!, Kirk & Spock, Kirk & Carol & David, Chekov and the ear bug (*shudder*), the Enterprise & the Reliant, and the birth of a new
Episode Sponsor: Genesis To-Go!
Bicks Log: Is The Wrath of Khan a perfect/the best encapsulation of what makes Star Trek what it is?
Monster Maroon
Trek Culture
Aidan here: Lindsay...Bruce McLean??? If you're going to reference Die Hard in my presence, you'd best get the name of the main character right...
Lindsay here: And yet you sat across from me and listened with your own two ears and didn't correct me, so...check and mate.

Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Episode 6 - Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Star Trek's first foray onto the big screen has experienced a recent reevaluation by fans, but what we wanted to know is how was it seen by original fans at the time of its release? Lucky for us we have a pair of OG fans in the family -- so today we're welcoming Aidan's parents to the podcast to talk all about that original experience in all its glory!
Episode Sponsor: Kivas Fajo's Toy Emporium
Bicks Log: We bypassed today's debate in the interest of sparing our guests!
After looking through the depths of the internet, we couldn't find any specific release history for The Animated Series in Canada, which may explain why today's special guests never heard of it until recently.
Intro Music: Chasing Stars by AG Music
Outro Music: Idle Hands by The Impossibulls

Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Episode 5.5 - The Animated Series Watchalong - The Lorelei Signal
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
After one of the most competitive polls in our short lived Twitter campaign (which, if you don't follow us there, we're likely abandoning soon), this watchalong came down to a coin toss, followed by a unilateral decision to negate the coin toss entirely. The result is our watchalong with The Lorelei Signal, one of the better Animated Series episodes, and the only one to feature (acting) Captain Uhura!
It's a short episode this week, so hope you all enjoy!
Notes and Recognitions:
Intro Music: Chasing Stars by AG Music
Outro Music: Idle Hands by The Impossibulls

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Episode 5 - The Animated Series
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
This episode is about one of the least known shows in Star Trek, but one we thoroughly enjoyed. The Animated Series holds a special place in Star Trek history, as a bridge between TOS and the films, and also as the first series to truly be freed from the constraints of what was possible to film in a live action series. The result is a strange, sometimes silly/sometimes serious batch of episodes that feel truly unique. Join us for a talk about what brought the series to fruition, what makes it so unique, and our talk about whether it's worth your time as a Trekkie (spoiler alert: we think so!).
Episode Sponsor: The Vulcan Science Institutes Atomic Alarm Clock for Children (or VSIAACC for short). Help keep your youthful, impetuous and overly-emotional Vulcan child in check with this chronologically indestructible clock! Get one today!
Bicks Log: Does The Animated Series stand on its own as a distinct product, or is it merely the much-vaunted fourth season of The Original Series?
Be sure to check out the amazing Next Generation and Voyager reimaginings of famous scenes, in the original art and animation style of TAS. They're simply stellar.
Also check out the mini behind-the-scenes featurette about how the team that created the series built them.
Intro Music: Chasing Stars by AG Music
Outro Music: Idle Hands by The Impossibulls

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Episode 4.5 - TOS Season 3 Watchalong - The Tholian Web
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
This time our lovely Twitter voters (follow us on there if you want to decide future watchalongs!) chose one of Aidan's all-time favourite Trek episodes "The Tholian Web" to enjoy alongside you, dear listeners! In one of the few high points of Season 3, this episode had it all: a great sci-fi premise, interesting character moments, and most importantly, a break for dear William Shatner.
Join us to hear every inane thought about the episode that enters our heads, including our takes on just why the USS Defiant glowed green, and what makes this episode work so well among all TOS standouts.
Notes and Recognitions:
Intro Music: Chasing Stars by AG Music
Outro Music: Idle Hands by The Impossibulls

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Episode 4 - TOS Season 3
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
If you've ever wondered what frustration sounds like - congratulations, you've found it in this episode of The Bicks Do Star Trek! Season 3 of The Original Series is one of the more frustrating seasons in Star Trek history - for producers, writers, actors, and even the creator - and that frustration seeps into the episodes themselves, and by conduit, your hosts. In a season filled with episodes that pale in comparison to what came before, we found a few nuggets of joy and a whole lot of... other nuggets.
Join us for a chat about why these episodes fail to impress, the few highlights we could pull out, and the numerous specific problems *cough*sexism*cough* that plague the show this year. Also a brief chat about the production and what the potential legacy of the show could have looked like if this was indeed the final piece of Star Trek to ever exist.
Episode Sponsor: Eden's Enterprises! Whatever joyous road you're taking, man, you can get there with Eden's Enterprises!
Bicks Log: With the crew on light duty rotations, we had time to ponder whether "Turnabout Intruder" - one of the most detested episodes of TOS - was salvageable.
We are so very dumb and confused "Spock's Brain" and "For The World Is Hollow And I Have Touched The Sky". However this is kind of indicative of our level of devotion and love for this season as a whole.
Aidan claimed D.C. Fontana was the showrunner/story editor - which was true for Season 2, but not Season 3! She left to go do freelance work after Season 2 concluded. And boy was her lack of presence noted.