The Bicks Pod

Sunday Oct 30, 2016
Special Episode: The Secret History of Twin Peaks
Sunday Oct 30, 2016
Sunday Oct 30, 2016
***SPOILER ALERT*** In which we discuss our reactions to the first substantial new piece of Twin Peaks lore to hit the world in twenty years--Mark Frost's novel "The Secret History of Twin Peaks." There are definitely spoilers up ahead for all parts of the book and many parts of the series. You've been warned...

Sunday Oct 30, 2016
Meet the Hosts!
Sunday Oct 30, 2016
Sunday Oct 30, 2016
Wherein we introduce ourselves and our love for the world of Twin Peaks.

Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Episode 1.5 - Pilot (Northwest Passage Part 2)
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Wherein we discuss the pilot episode of Twin Peaks. Here we meet the cast of characters who populate this quirky Pacific Northwest town where everything is not as it seems. We learn about their connections to each other and the murder of homecoming queen, Laura Palmer. (We also screw up and use the word "Lynchian" to describe not just thematic elements but directorial elements, which may not fall under the purview of the generally accepted definition of "Lynchian" but we correct ourselves eventually. And I think we also say that Washington abuts Montana, not Idaho. Oops. #UnitedStatesGeographyFail)
But we also talk about some of the running themes that will come up again and again in future episodes, the mundane/macabre events that serve as guideposts for the way this town seems to operate, and have a nice chat about everyone's favourite FBI Agent, Dale Cooper. Suffice it to say, there's a lot to talk about in this very special two hour episode of Bickering Peaks.

Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
Episode 1 - Pilot (Northwest Passage Part 1)
Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
Wednesday Oct 26, 2016
Wherein we discuss the pilot episode of Twin Peaks. Here we meet the cast of characters who populate this quirky Pacific Northwest town where everything is not as it seems. We learn about their connections to each other and the murder of homecoming queen, Laura Palmer. (We also screw up and use the word "Lynchian" to describe not just thematic elements but directorial elements, which may not fall under the purview of the generally accepted definition of "Lynchian" but we correct ourselves eventually. And I think we also say that Washington abuts Montana, not Idaho. Oops. #UnitedStatesGeographyFail) But we also talk about some of the running themes that will come up again and again in future episodes, the mundane/macabre events that serve as guideposts for the way this town seems to operate, and have a nice chat about everyone's favourite FBI Agent, Dale Cooper. Suffice it to say, there's a lot to talk about in this very special two hour episode of Bickering Peaks.
What is a saddle shoe?
David Foster Wallace essay
Notes: - In the supplementary audiobook "'Diane...' The Twin Peaks Tapes of Agent Cooper", Coop is revealed to have been in Seattle before the events of the series begins, which is where he is handed the Palmer case