The Bicks Pod

Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Episode 7 - Realization Time
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Wherein Aidan and Lindsay dive into the unseemly world of One Eyed Jacks with Agent Cooper and Audrey Horne, pay a visit to the Johnson Family Farm with Bobby Briggs, and watch Donna, James, and Maddy listen to cassette tapes like any good red-blooded teenagers (only instead of the latest Fine Young Cannibals album, they get to hear their dearly departed friend admit her deepest, darkest secrets to her creepy psychotherapist...six of one, really...)
Also: Leo is angry! Catherine smells insurance fraud! Ed wears a wig! Cherry stems!!!
Mynah birds
The opening title sequence features a Bewick's Wren (or a Varied Thrush...depends on who you talk to!) You can read more about the opening titles here
Vertical Service Codes, which are how one might access a feature like *69/1471 to call back the last number that called you, wasn't truly widely available until the 90s, so it's doubtful this could have been in use here.

Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Episode 6 - Cooper's Dream
Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
Tuesday Nov 29, 2016
In which we discuss the effects of sleep deprivation on Agent Cooper as he ventures into the woods for a day-trip with the boys! Meanwhile, both Norma and Shelly pull the trigger on their respective romantic entanglements. Also: The Log Lady made cookies! Maddy snoops through Laura's stuff! Ben throws a party! Audrey loses her clothes!
As the large group of insane men staying on Cooper's floor might say: "Vá! Þvílíkur dagur!"

Friday Nov 25, 2016
Episode 5 - The One-Armed Man
Friday Nov 25, 2016
Friday Nov 25, 2016
Wherein we discuss comedy, a smorgasboard of shots, and some of our favourite characters! Also: Norma vouches for Hank! Trooper visits the vet! Maddy and James meet! It's all here!

Tuesday Nov 22, 2016
Episode 4 - Rest in Pain
Tuesday Nov 22, 2016
Tuesday Nov 22, 2016
Wherein we talk about the funeral of Laura Palmer, how dreams continue taking over the investigation, and the power of music over body. Also: Bobby looks like a crucifix! A staring contest breaks out at a funeral! Cooper does a parlour trick! The Bookhouse Boys kidnap a guy! Jacoby skulks around!
Links: The history of mobile phones

Monday Nov 14, 2016
Special Episode - Fanfiction Part 2
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Monday Nov 14, 2016
Part two of the discussion of all things fanfiction, with special guest Alexis.

Sunday Nov 13, 2016
Special Episode - Fanfiction Part 1
Sunday Nov 13, 2016
Sunday Nov 13, 2016
A special episode dedicated to fanfiction interactions in the world of Twin Peaks, and especially the 'ship we're going down with—Cooper/Audrey. Alexis (AO3: TipDorrit) joins us for an illuminating look at the world of fanfiction, the tropes we love and hate, and the way these stories inspire and engage us as viewers and creators.
Twin Peaks on the Archive of Our Own
Notable Fics: "Blue Velvet to Moon River" by Gabihime"The Dweller on the Threshold" by Nemo_the_Everbeing"Black" by katyfaise"Oh the Shark, it has such Teeth, Dear" by RedemptionbyFire (steelneena)

Sunday Nov 13, 2016
Episode 3 - Zen or the Skill to Catch a Killer
Sunday Nov 13, 2016
Sunday Nov 13, 2016
In which we discuss the much-loved third episode of Twin Peaks--or, as it's affectionately known, the Red Room Dream Episode. We talk about dreams, dream logic, and the role that dreams play in not only this episode but in the lives of the people involved in this ever-growing investigation. Also: Bobby and Mike go hiking! Ben and Jerry take a boat ride! Nadine has a fit! Audrey dances!
Today we're joined by our friend Alexis, an avid Peaks Freak from Portland, Oregon, who adds some delightful insight into one of her favourite episodes.Links: Just who or what was that thing in the forest? Speculation hereFor anyone interested, The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer is available online and in PDF form at Glastonberry Grove

Monday Nov 07, 2016
Episode 2 - Traces to Nowhere
Monday Nov 07, 2016
Monday Nov 07, 2016
Wherein we discuss Episode 2 of Twin Peaks ("Traces to Nowhere") and get to know the people of Twin Peaks a little better. There are interrogations, and we talk about the various representations of families in this town. Also: Shelly does the laundry! Sheriff Truman eats a donut! Cooper drinks coffee! And who put the fish in the percolator?
Omg gravity boots...I was right. Why were these a thing? Leave a comment if you have any answers. I can't figure this out.