The Bicks Pod

Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Episode 18 - Dispute Between Brothers
Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
Tuesday Feb 21, 2017
In which we take a jump—"Three Days Later", the first and only time such a jump between episodes occurs—and check in with the other residents of Twin Peaks at the wake for Leland Palmer. It's Cooper's last day in Twin Peaks; with the wrap up of the investigation, he's headed back to Philadelphia, which leads to heartfelt goodbyes...until the fare-thee-wells are interrupted by FBI Internal Affairs and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Even though he's in trouble, Cooper takes it easy though, unable to affect the outcome of things out of his control, and enjoys a night of fishing with Major Briggs that also goes south when the Major disappears. What fresh hell has Twin Peaks unearthed for Cooper this time?
Also: Nadine enrolls in high school! Bobby gets thrown out! Audrey wears a suit! Norma meets MT Wentz! Josie returns!
If you're interested in trying any of the recipes from the potluck, you might want to try these horrors
Green Butt Skunk
Red serge
Talbot Mundy's "The Devil's Guard" is available via Gutenberg for those so inclined to read up
Canadian Encyclopedia entry for Theosophy (and a bit about The Group of 7—gotta fulfill those CanCon requirements somehow!):

Friday Feb 17, 2017
Special Episode - Who Really Killed Laura Palmer?
Friday Feb 17, 2017
Friday Feb 17, 2017
**Deals with sensitive subject matter. Listener discretion advised**
In this special episode, we delve a bit deeper into the confusing questions that arose at the end of the last: namely, who is the true killer of Laura Palmer? Was this really a case of demonic possession? How culpable is Leland Palmer in the abuse and murder of his daughter? And who really is BOB?
For more information, we cannot recommend Joel Bocko's incredible video essay "Journey Through Twin Peaks" enough! Here is his entry on the killer's reveal
While we're hesitant about any strict, dogmatic interpretations of Twin Peaks, the charges of misogyny leveled at both it and David Lynch in general have stuck around long enough to warrant mention here. Here is an essay that discusses it in relation to Laura's death and the reveal of Leland as her killer:

Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Episode 17 - Arbitrary Law
Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Where we are joined by special guest Nathan from Edmonton for a look at Leland's trouble soul. With the blessing of the Sheriff and encouragement from the FBI, and using all the tools available in his Intuitive Detection Kit, Cooper sets off down the final stretch of his path as he gives himself 24 hours to solve the murders of Laura Palmer and, now, Maddy Ferguson. Meanwhile, Donna has a brief encounter of the inhabiting spirit kind when she visits the Palmer house and learns of Maddy's fate. Will Cooper figure it out in time to save her from the same terrible fate?
Also: Andy learns French! Lucy talks paternity! Ben finds his alibi! James gets on his bike and goes!
The Tremond grandson's name is Pierre.
Now that the horror of Leland's death has come and gone, why not watch him on the ridiculous "Tim & Eric's Awesome Show Great Job!" delivering advice on how to give proper business hugs!
Could the fire sprinklers be putting out the fire in Leland's soul? Sound off in the comments!

Tuesday Feb 07, 2017
Episode 16 - Drive With a Dead Girl
Tuesday Feb 07, 2017
Tuesday Feb 07, 2017
The aftermath of Maddy's murder and the reveal of Laura's killer leads us into the realm of dramatic irony for the first time in Twin Peaks! Agent Cooper and Sheriff Truman get closer to figuring out the truth the audience already knows—that Ben Horne did not kill Laura—and Cooper gets reacquainted with his intuition, much to the Sheriff's consternation; meanwhile, Bobby dabbles in blackmail, and Norma gets a surprise visitor at the Double R.
Also! Does Ben need a new lawyer? How hard is it to keep the One Armed Man from escaping? And where does one go in a town like Twin Peaks for good, quality showtunes? (Apparently, all you need is a car and a set of golf clubs...) We may as well call this The Jerry Show since so many of our clips selected for this week's episode feature his classic deadpan humour, but after the darkness of last week's episodes, we were just so glad for Jerry Horne we couldn't resist!
'Fahrt' translates to 'Journey', according to good ol' Google Translate. And now that we think about it, maybe farting (in English) is kind of like a journey... XD
Pileated woodpecker (from the Edmonton & Area Land Trust page)
For those interested in Canadiana: Hinterland Who's Who was a co-venture between the Environment Canada and the National Film Board of Canada started in the 1960s. They produced 60-second PSAs profiling various Canadian wildlife. Ask any Canadian who grew up into the early 1990s and they'll remember HWW. Here's the entry on the loon
The meaning of Hank's domino has never "officially" been stated as far as I can tell...but Chris Mulkey claims it was meant to be another instance of doubles (the two 3's equaling 6 total on the domino) while others claim it may be linked to the number of people he's killed. The blog Twin Peaks Explained states that the change in the numbers on his domino wasn't on purpose but was simply an error, owing to the fact that the original domino was lost during production and another was substituted. (source)

Friday Feb 03, 2017
Special Episode - Secret Diary of Laura Palmer
Friday Feb 03, 2017
Friday Feb 03, 2017
Wherein we discuss the 1990 tie-in novelization of Laura's secret diary. **Deals with sensitive subject matter. Listener discretion advised**
The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer lends itself well to critical, feminist, and psychological interpretations, and we touch on all three areas as we delve into the plot points, similarities and differences between the book and what we see onscreen, and the larger implications to TV audiences and pop culture consumers (especially considering the recent announcement about the Twin Peaks Funko Pop! dolls and action figures.)
*Apologies for ~20:30 when Lindsay whacked the microphone...she's a hand talker...*

Tuesday Jan 31, 2017
Episode 15 - Lonely Souls
Tuesday Jan 31, 2017
Tuesday Jan 31, 2017
**Deals with sensitive subject matter. Listener discretion advised**
A killer is unmasked... In this week's episode, we are joined by our friend Jen, who watched Season 2 Episode 7 for the first time with us before joining us for a discussion. Who does MIKE "point" to at the Great Northern? What does Agent Cooper find in Laura's Secret Diary? How does Ben Horne fit into all of this? And who's that in the mirror there...?
Also: Pete gets a kiss! Bobby fixes Leo's new shoes! Nadine has a milkshake!

Tuesday Jan 24, 2017
Episode 14 - Demons
Tuesday Jan 24, 2017
Tuesday Jan 24, 2017
In which we go over the aftermath of the raid on One Eyed Jack's—how much does Audrey remember? And how much will she tell Agent Cooper?—and Donna and Maddy's attempt at stealing Laura's diary from Harold. Elsewhere, Josie finds herself in hot water with Jonathan and Gordon Cole arrives for the first time to deliver some interesting news about a chess game...
Also: Leo has a party! Nadine buys a dress! Leland sings showtunes! Philip Gerard/MIKE takes up poetry! And what's this about a chihuahua?
Vicuna: I guess these are kind of like llamas or an alpaca...interesting choice for a coat!
Cloudcuckoolanders on TVTropes
Shooting script information: Here is a fantastic resource with shooting scripts (including revisions)for all of Season 2 as well as TV transcripts for the whole series

Friday Jan 20, 2017
Special Episode - On The Air
Friday Jan 20, 2017
Friday Jan 20, 2017
A special episode all about that OTHER Lynch/Frost production that ran on ABC during the early 1990s...the weirdly wonderful sitcom On The Air, starring Ian Buchanan and Miguel Ferrer as players on the ground floor of a decidedly off-kilter 1950s TV variety show. The show ran for 3 weeks before being cancelled by ABC, and although all 7 episodes have been available (in semi-official and bootleg form) for some time, it has never enjoyed a wide home release, in spite of many fans' hopes. Our discussion of this short-lived series is short, it's sweet, it's to the point, and there's actual bickering in it! How can you go wrong?
(Dedicated to the memory of Miguel Ferrer -- February 7, 1955 - January 19, 2017)
On The Air YouTube playlist