The Bicks Pod

Friday Mar 31, 2017
Outtake - My Life My Tapes
Friday Mar 31, 2017
Friday Mar 31, 2017
Our conversation lasted for nearly 3 hours; we had an amazing time. Some of what we talked about seemed fitting to slip in here as a kind of bonus feature: more information on the Moonchild/Antichrist, Dale's religious experiences, a brief theory about Diane and the Peking duck, and Aidan tells us all about the Real Summer Houses of Flin Flon, Manitoba...
Information on Flin Flon's history as the hydroponics lab of Canada
We are extremely loathe to link to the Calgary Sun (not only because we're Edmontonians but also because the Sun is basically a tabloid) but this is a fun little look at Rudyard Kipling's historical connection to Medicine Hat, Alberta.

Tuesday Mar 28, 2017
Episode 23 - Slaves and Masters
Tuesday Mar 28, 2017
Tuesday Mar 28, 2017
Evelyn Marsh says goodbye, Ben shouts his final battle cry, and Windom's gift is terrifying. Cooper makes a big break through in the case of "Who Shot Me?", but the answer he gets leaves him in a bit of a quandary with Sheriff Truman since, well...*ahem* MEANWHILE, Albert returns to grace our screen and bring terrible news that Windom Earle is absolutely coming for Coop. Threats abound and Coop's taken to wearing flannels. Whatever is going to happen? Is Cooper being a terrible friend to Truman? Did Diane Keaton really direct the worst episode in the history of Twin Peaks?
Also: Evelyn takes charge (and gallops off our screen for good!) Ben Horne has a Dorothy moment! Ed and Norma let Nadine into bed...sort of! And guess who's coming to dinner at the Blue Pine Lodge?
We've slaved away through the Season 2 doldrums and now we're lifting the veil of darkness that's settled over it all since the reveal of Laura's killer. And we're so fortunate to have friend of the podcast and all-around superfan & superguy John (@jpb_littlegreen) to help us pick up the pieces and lead us into the rising action driving us toward the finale! You ready for this? It's Twin Peaks S2E15: "Slaves and Masters"
Here's a link to @NoShipNetwork's "Sparkwood and 21" podcast, which we highly encourage fans of this show to check out. Em & Steve do a fantastic job breaking down the big topics (check out our guest John and his "timequake" theory in S&21's The Secret History of Twin Peaks episode!) and incorporate listener feedback, which is always awesome!
Here's a link to the Sparknotes plot synopsis of Samuel Beckett's "Endgame"--you tell us, listeners, is this what's being acted out between Leo and Windom in the woods outside Twin Peaks?
And here's a link to the Ken Burns' Civil War series--a must-watch for history buffs, but if you're a history buff, you don't need us to tell you about it!
Who is that chess player? Well, he's José Raúl Capablanca, duh!
For a primer on some of the ways in which David Lynch allows the Wizard of Oz to permeate his work, here is a quick PopOptiq article that outlines the myriad references to L Frank Baum's immortal children's book in Lynch's hyper sexual and uber violent Wild at Heart
And here is the Wiki article about the aesthetic (philosophy) tenet known as the Uncanny Valley

Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Episode 22 - Double Play
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Cooper's past is unsealed, Leo is miraculously healed, Ben moves on the battlefield, & Windom Earle is revealed... Cooper finally confides in Truman about the extent of his involvement with Windom Earle and Windom's wife, Caroline. With the former Agent Earle having taken a pawn off the board, the stakes are growing higher. Will they be able to find him before he makes his next move? (Of course they won't--we've still got 9 episodes left until the finale!)
Meanwhile: Leo wakes up! Audrey finds a new business partner! James is set up! And Thomas Eckhardt reappears!
This is Scott Frost's second and final outing as head writer for an episode. We last saw him in Episode 8 of this season ("Drive With a Dead Girl")
Can't believe we're linking this, but here goes: the song Ben Horne sings so gallantly is "Dixie", an old Confederate tune.

Tuesday Mar 14, 2017
Episode 21 - Checkmate
Tuesday Mar 14, 2017
Tuesday Mar 14, 2017
Cooper plots a ruse, Dick & Andy hunt for clues, Ben seems quite confused, and the station blows a fuse in this week's episode of Twin Peaks. The sting operation up at Dead Dog Farm gets put into motion and goes spectacularly awry owing to a quirk of nervous physiology. After several hours, hostage negotiations come to a head with some quick thinking by Denise and Cooper that leaves one of the drug dealers dead; Cooper, meanwhile, has to grapple with the fear and insecurity that, maybe, his presence in Twin Peaks has brought a nightmare to town...
Also: Ben goes to Gettysburg! Ed and Norma make it official! Leo acts like a clown! James and stuff?...honestly we don't even remember. And it's lights out at the Sheriff's Station--and who's that guy in Truman's office???

Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
Episode 20 - The Black Widow
Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
Tuesday Mar 07, 2017
Wherein a widow is made, a battle plan laid, and a secret drug deal betrayed! Cooper decides to go all in and purchase some real estate in town, but all is not what it seems at Dead Dog Farm. Bobby Briggs inadvertently helps Audrey to clear Cooper's name when the photos he's taken of Hank Jennings for Ben Horne wind up proving that the drug charges against Coop have been trumped up. Meanwhile, Windom Earle has predicted Cooper's opening chess move perfectly, further underscoring the brilliance and danger of his opponent. Major Briggs also makes a momentous return in his family living room after a strange and unexplained absence...
Also: Nadine goes a-rasslin'! Lana bewitches the Sheriff's department! Molly Shannon is here! And James and Evelyn...well the less said about them, the better!

Tuesday Feb 28, 2017
Episode 19 - Masked Ball
Tuesday Feb 28, 2017
Tuesday Feb 28, 2017
In which we delve into the mythos of Twin Peaks, following the mysterious disappearance of Major Briggs during his and Coop's night fishing trip. Cooper, confident in the rightness of his actions, settles into civilian life in Twin Peaks, welcomes an old friend to town, and starts studying up for the chess match of his life.
Also! Ben goes to the movies! Nadine joins the wrestling team! Josie sleeps in! Doug Milford gets hitched! Whyyy is James hanging out with Evelyn Marsh and who the heck cares about Little Nicky Needleman?!
A brief history of laptop computing
We were wrong (not the first time, won't be the last)--malteds and milkshakes aren't the same thing. Here's an explanation of why
...but Lindsay was right! "Dweller on the Threshold" is a song by Van Morrison.
And just for fun, here's the opening credits sequence to Season 1 of The Mod Squad. (Also...did you know Peggy Lipton released a psychedelic soft rock album?!)

Friday Feb 24, 2017
Outtake - Aidan's Fanfic
Friday Feb 24, 2017
Friday Feb 24, 2017
In a rare outtake, Aidan goes into nearly ten minutes' worth of detail about what he REALLY would have done in Season 3, if it were up to 6 year old him...

Friday Feb 24, 2017
Season 3 Pontification
Friday Feb 24, 2017
Friday Feb 24, 2017
A very special Twin Peaks Day episode, in which we discuss our hopes and fears and a few predictions and those of several of our loyal listeners! ***CAUTION: May Contain Spoilers***
With contributions from:Shamsi - @swiftsnowmane (Tumblr)Alexis - @eccesapientia (Tumblr)Eileen (E.G. Mykkels) - @steel_neena (Twitter)Grace - @MissFilmFreak (Twitter)John - @jpb_littlegreen (Twitter)Ishbel - @TheBlueRoseBlog (Twitter)/ - @keithgow (Twitter)/ www.keithgow.comLaura - @tqpannie (Twitter/Tumblr)Tina - @lostdogs20 (Twitter)Frank - @FrankDerrigo3 (Twitter)Beverly - @Beverly_Hilskop (Twitter)Joshua - @thespeakingeye (Twitter)Diane Podcast - @DianePodcast (Twitter)/ diane.libsyn.comThe Lodgers: Kate - @Cinement / Simon - @hollowmines